Saturday, January 12, 2008

On the Back Burner

Well, I've put "Kingdom" on back burner status for the nonce...

I have other worthy projects that are showing good promise that I need to get finished. I did get an interesting prospect for publishing that I have not had much time to pursue at present, but I will investigate in the next few weeks to see if it is viable or even something I would like to do. I'll hold off on describing it as I don't want to get anyone's hopes (or mine frankly) at this point in the game!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Spunky Heroine is born!

Originally published September 13, 2007

I'm still working on various avenues for a new publisher, but in the meantime to keep the momentum going at least for myself I've created a website devoted to my work, both current and future. Go check it out at: !

As always, comments are appreciated!


Originally published August 21, 2007

Okay, Samhain Publishing doesn't want to offer me a contract for "Kingdom," so it's back to writing some more query letters... keep those beacons lit, my friends! This was a bit of a blow today - I had high hopes! But I know it will get published. It just won't go as smoothly as I'd originally planned.... sigh...

Still Playing a Waiting Game

Originally published August 13, 2007

The manuscript is still with another editor from a different online publisher, so I'm trying to be patient while waiting to hear back from her. Any beacons, prayers, good vibes, etc. for its acceptance would be MOST appreciated!

A Bump in the Road

Originally published August 6, 2007

I got some disappointing news at the end of last week - the publisher who offered me a contract last winter to publish "Kingdom" has unfortunately decided to close down their Young Adult line as of September 1st - which effectively means that my book won't be released on October 27th as I previously announced nor will they be publishing it at all.

It was a blow, naturally, but I'm not discouraged. After talking with my friend (and editor) Susan, I have a few avenues to pursue other publishing houses (and yes, I checked with MGP to make sure that I can now submit it to other publishers). In fact, that same day she was able to put me in contact with another online publisher who is currently reading the manuscript. So my fingers and toes are crossed very tightly that this new editor likes the book enough to offer me a new contract. I have faith that it will be published - it will just take a little longer than I previously thought!

As for Dyana's brilliant cover art, I'm still not sure what the parameters are to be able to use it at another publisher. As the artwork belongs to her and I'm not privy to her contract with MGP use of it is uncertain.

Keep good thoughts for Lark and Iain and the gang that they'll get their big release sooner rather than later!

A Prince of a Guy

Originally published July 31, 2007

The third member of this triangle is Prince Benedick of Ardancor. He's handsome, he's young, he's engaging - all the things a girl wants in a beau. If Larkin can just get him to believe in himself!

Ben is the younger son and often finds himself in a scrape. It's not until he meets Lark that he understands what his role as a prince can be, but does he owe his allegiance to his father King Niklaus? Or will he pledge his service to Larkin instead?

Like Larkin, Ben must go through the growing pains of young adulthood. Will he be ready for the consequences of his actions?

A Knight's Tale

Originally published July 24, 2007

With all due respect to Chaucer's great work... I'd like to introduce you all to Sir Iain Struan, Knight-Protector of Evenlake.

Sir Struan is a young man who takes his commitment to the royal family, and to the king in particular, very seriously. He has been in the king's service since he was the tender age of nine years old. He knows no other life besides serving Evenlake. When both he and Princess Larkin must flee, he is determined to hold his duty as Knight-Protector sacrosanct by serving Larkin.

Because of his utter devotion to Evenlake and the king, Sir Struan has led a solitary existence despite living and working among the court. Larkin even has joked that he is her father's "big monk." That is a particularly amusing comment as his older brother Wulf is actually a monk at a nearby monastery. Choosing to follow Larkin and serve her in the same capacity as he did her father completely turns his taciturn life upside down!

If I were to compare Sir Struan to another well-known knight, I would say he has a lot in common with Sir Lancelot in the Arthurian legends.