Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Knight's Tale

Originally published July 24, 2007

With all due respect to Chaucer's great work... I'd like to introduce you all to Sir Iain Struan, Knight-Protector of Evenlake.

Sir Struan is a young man who takes his commitment to the royal family, and to the king in particular, very seriously. He has been in the king's service since he was the tender age of nine years old. He knows no other life besides serving Evenlake. When both he and Princess Larkin must flee, he is determined to hold his duty as Knight-Protector sacrosanct by serving Larkin.

Because of his utter devotion to Evenlake and the king, Sir Struan has led a solitary existence despite living and working among the court. Larkin even has joked that he is her father's "big monk." That is a particularly amusing comment as his older brother Wulf is actually a monk at a nearby monastery. Choosing to follow Larkin and serve her in the same capacity as he did her father completely turns his taciturn life upside down!

If I were to compare Sir Struan to another well-known knight, I would say he has a lot in common with Sir Lancelot in the Arthurian legends.

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