Saturday, November 10, 2007

Meet Larkin

Originally published July 20, 2007

Now that I've given you a bit about the story of the book I thought I'd introduce you all to the main "players" (I have a BA in Theatre - I think of the story in theatrical terms much of the time!).

So the first, most important "starring role" (to keep up with the theme) is Larkin of Evenlake. She is a young, rather naive and bookish middle child of the ruling family of this pleasant, verdant country. Having older brothers and a stunning younger sister, "Lark" (as she is come to be known) has given little thought to her future. One of her brothers is destined to be king after her father, and her charming sister would certainly make the most advantageous match. Lark imagined she would likely end up in a convent somewhere, but she was still young and her whole life was still ahead of her. There was time enough to decide her future...

Or so she thought. In one fell swoop her destiny is set before her and she must follow a path for which she was unprepared or untrained. The story follows Lark on this journey from grief to growing to womanhood, from statesmanship to romance - and at the end triumph! But it does come at a cost, a cost that will affect her the rest of her life.

When I've had a few friends read and comment, they compare Larkin to Anastasia or St. Joan of Arc - I'd even throw in a bit of Shakespeare's Henry V as well!

You'll get to know Lark a bit more as you "meet" the other characters.

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