Saturday, November 10, 2007

Alas, Wherefor a Kingdom - So What's it All About?

Originally published July 13, 2007

"Kingdom" is a Young Adult title to be published by Mardi Gras Publishing in October 2007. While the novel is targeted for tweens and teens, I believe it is a mature enough story to be enjoyed by adults as well.

The following is the "blurb" I submitted to MGP - how much of it (or any of it) that will end up on the back cover hasn't been set at this time, but I think it's a pretty good description - if I do say so myself!

Next time, I'll tell you all a little about the main characters! Do feel free to comment or ask questions as I'm happy to discuss the book (with probably more minutiae than you really want!).

In, Alas, Wherefore a Kingdom, the uncommon visions that visit Sir Iain Struan and his young charge, Princess Larkin of Evenlake, often point to sinister consequences for the teen-aged royal and her realm. Larkin is curious about these images and works to develop them, but the older and more judicious knight finds them increasingly plaguing.

Princess Larkin is the quiet, introverted middle child in a well-loved royal family. However, when her entire family is assassinated in front of her disbelieving eyes, Larkin must flee her home with Sir Struan, the Knight-Protector of Evenlake. The knight delivers her to the safety of his mother’s borderland estate, but it is soon apparent that “Lark” must depart Evenlake entirely. Along with the noblewoman and Struan’s older brother, a monk from a destroyed and disbanded abbey, the pair travels to the border realm of Ardancor where the Struans are related to the royal family there.

As she grows to womanhood in her adopted country, Larkin discovers the challenges of ruling a kingdom, a position for which she was ill-equipped, in preparation for reclaiming the throne from her usurping bastard brother. With her burgeoning visions and with the trials merely of becoming an adult adding to her lessons in statesmanship, Larkin finds she must take on a more dynamic role than she ever imagined before leaving her home.

In the meantime, her Knight-Protector’s visions trouble him to the point of distress. He has seen disturbing images that he cannot share with anyone, most particularly with his young protégé. Larkin returns to Evenlake to win back the realm, but learns the costs of leadership come at a very high price.

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